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Saluki Welpen erwartet Ende August 2024
Saluki puppies expected end of August 2024


We hope for puppies end of August 2024
Wir hoffen auf Welpen Ende August 2024

* The Sire is handsome and outgoing Kenzo - aka MCH. Amiyat Gasgano - from Sweden *
* Der Vater in spe ist der schoene und verspielte Kenzo - MCH. Amiyat Gasgano - aus Schweden *

* The Dam is our sweet and beautiful Bella - aka MCH. Elaya Al Naqawa *
* Die Mutter in spe ist unsere sanfte und schoene Bella - MCH. Elaya Al Naqawa *

Contacts - e-mail:
spanova@gmail.com - Svetlana Panova

Expected Puppies' Pedigree

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Our F-litter was born on 24.02.2021

Alle Welpen haben ein liebevolles Zuhause gefunden
All puppies have found their homes

3 Rueden + 5 Huendinnen - alle grizzle, befedert

3 males + 5 females - all grizzle, feathered

Fotos von Welpen - 8,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 8,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI FAROOQ AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD FARHAN AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

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FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (beiges Band) / female 2 (beige collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Fotos von Welpen - 7,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 7,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI FAROOQ AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD FARHAN AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

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FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (beiges Band) / female 2 (beige collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Fotos von Welpen - 6,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 6,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI FAROOQ AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD FARHAN AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

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FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Fotos von Welpen - 5,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 5,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

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FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Welpen mit 4,5 Wochen - Video 1
Welpen mit 4,5 Wochen - Video 2
Welpen mit 4,5 Wochen - Video 3

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Fotos von Welpen - 4,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 4,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

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FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Welpen sind 4 Wochen - ein neues Video

Our puppies are 4 weeks - a new video

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Welpen sind 3,5 Wochen - ein kurzes Video

Our puppies are 3,5 weeks - a short video

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Fotos von Welpen - 3,5 Wochen alt
Photos of our puppies - 3,5 weeks old
FAYAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

FANJARI AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

FIRSAAD AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (dunkel gruenes Band) / male 3 (dark green collar)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FULAYLA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

FAGHIRA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

FAZARA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

FIDDIYA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

FALISHA AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Welpen sind 3 Wochen - ein kleines Video

Our puppies are 3 weeks - a short video

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Fotos von Welpen - 11 Tage alt
Photos of our puppies - 11 days old
F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (kein Band) / male 3 (no collar)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Fotos von Welpen - 4 Tage alt
Photos of our puppies - 4 days old
F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 1 (hellblaues Band) / male 1 (light blue collar)

F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 2 (hellgruenes Band) / male 2 (light green collar)

F.... AL NAQAWA - Ruede 3 (kein Band) / male 3 (no collar)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 1 (rosa Band) / female 1 (pink collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 2 (weisses Band) / female 2 (white collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 3 (gelbes Band) / female 3 (yellow collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 4 (lila Band) / female 4 (purple collar)

F... AL NAQAWA - Huendin 5 (rotes Band) / female 5 (red collar)

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Saluki Saluki

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Eltern von unserem F-Wurf:

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Proud parents of our F-litter:





Saluki Saluki Al Naqawa

MCH. Karob Sandstorm Kalani of Sawahin

MCH. Damira Al Naqawa

Saluki Saluki Al Naqawa
Saluki Saluki Al Naqawa

All photos of Kalani - copyright D. Hintzenberg-Freisleben

* * * * * * *

Future Dam / Zukuenftige Mutter:

German Show Saluki No 1 - 2018 + 2019
German Saluki No1 - Show + LC - 2018 + 2019
German Show Dog No 4 in 2019 (all breeds)

Vice European Winner 2019, Benelux Winner NL 2018, Austrian Winner 2019,
VDH Bundesjugendsieger 2016, VDH Bundessieger 2017, VDH Jahressieger 2017 + 2018 + 2019,
German Winner 2018, VDH Fruehjahrssieger 2017 + 2018, VDH Herbstsieger 2018 + 2019, Alpensieger 2019,
LS Hessen 2020, LS Niedersachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt 2020, angekoert mit Praedikat "Schoenheit und Leistung"

NCL - free *** Frei von NCL
Heart ultrasound - clear (2018 + 2020) *** Herzultraschall - kein Befund (2018 + 2020)


Wenn Sie Interesse an einem Saluki Welpen aus unserer Zucht haben,
bitte kontaktieren Sie mich via e-mail: spanova@gmail.com

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If you are interested in a Saluki puppy from our breeding
please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail: spanova@gmail.com

Wir sprechen Englisch, Deutsch und Russisch.
We speak English, German and Russian.

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